Designing a nursery for your newborn child isn’t the easiest of tasks. It requires a lot of thought, effort, and, unfortunately, money.
But, it is important to not buy into every trend and popular product you see. You don’t need everything that you are sold for a nursery. You can still have a relaxing and safe environment for your baby without buying every product marketed to you.
When you strip things back to the essentials, it is a lot easier to manage. For everyone.
So, with that in mind, here are the top 4 things we think you actually need when you are designing a nursery for your newborn baby.
A versatile cot

Of course, your baby needs somewhere to sleep and having a cot in their nursery is obvious.
But, the type of cot you get matters and getting it right will help you down the line.
The best thing you can get is a cot that is versatile and can transform into different things as your baby gets older. A cot that can grow with your baby is the best way to make the most of your money.
A night light

One of the most important things to consider when you a designing your newborn’s nursery is the lighting. Getting the lighting wrong can really affect your baby’s sleep and levels of calmness. Bright, overhead lights will be stressful to them and too harsh for their eyes.
Getting a night light that has softer light options will really help. It will also help if, when your baby grows up a little, they are scared of the dark. Having a safe and energy-efficient night light that you can leave on all night will really help you out in those tough nights down the line.
A baby monitor

A baby monitor with video and sound capabilities will allow you to feel much more comfortable leaving your baby alone in their own room when the time is right.
This is essential for you and your partner more than for your baby, really.
Being able to see and hear what your baby is doing during the night will allow you to go and get some proper rest in your own room without feeling that you need to sleep in the corner of the baby’s room.
You really can’t have a nursery without a baby monitor, it is one of those essentials that you will thank yourself for buying every night for the next few years.
Changing table/mat

A change table or mat is essential when you are planning what to put in your newborn’s room.
Newborn babies make a lot of mess in that area and if you don’t have a designated area that is designed for that kind of mess things can get a little out of control. It is also a good idea to get a changing table that is designed for babies because it cuts out the dangerous potential of your baby rolling off a surface while they are being changed.
It is essential for cleanliness, safety and convenience.
That ticks all the boxes for moms and dads, doesn’t it?
Remember to stick to the essentials and don’t overdo things, and everything will work out ok in the end. You can always make changes and add things when the baby arrives and gets settled in.