Thinking of kids crafts ideas is not always the easiest of tasks. Sometimes as parents we completely run out of ideas and wind up with some very bored and frustrated children on a long weekend.
Which isn’t any fun for anyone involved.
Having some easy go-to kids crafts ideas is always a good idea in my book. You can never be too prepared for that boredom to hit.
With that in mind, we have designed this blog to help out fellow parents just like you!
This blog is going to talk about 5 of our favourite fun and easy kids crafts ideas. All which you can do from the comfort of your own home with some simple supplies that either don’t cost much or that you probably have lying around the house already.
Sound good?
Great, then let’s get going!
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1. Texture Art

When it comes to thinking about the best possible kids craft ideas, we need to consider what it is that our kids really love.
It’s all well and good thinking of fancy ideas that look great on social media, but if our kids aren’t having lots of fun then there’s no point at all, is there?
And what do kids love?
Making a mess!
Texture art is one of the best craft activities you can do with kids because they get to make a real mess while they are doing it. It doesn’t matter what results there are, as long as everyone is really messy and fun.
All you want to do is encourage your children to make art with some kind of texture. That means including materials like leaves, crumpled paper, newspaper, tissue paper, fluffy things to stick on, and so on. Encourage them to make a picture or drawing like they normally would but then give things that extra layer of texture and fun.
You can correspond things with the current season and bring lots of things in from outside, which includes some educational aspect to the activity too.
What more could you want?
Stick that one in the book of kids crafts ideas for later.
2. Toilet Roll Characters

We all love a classic, don’t we?
And we all have used toilet rolls in our house, don’t we?
Then we have a recipe for success when it comes to kids crafts ideas!
Making characters, animals, and people out of the cardboard cylinder that is left after a toilet roll is used up is a classic, enjoyable activity for kids. It costs you absolutely nothing at all and the finished products don’t take up lots of room in the house either, which is always a big positive, especially when you have more than one child.
All you have to do with this is provide the cardboard cylinder and some craft materials. Paint, googly eyes, extra cardboard and paper, crayons, glue, pencils… Anything you have in the house already should work pretty well.
Let your kids’ imagination run wild with this one. It’s amazing to see how many amazing things kids can come up with with a very blank canvas! And if you run out of ideas, which I doubt you will, there is always plenty of cool inspo online too.
Once your done and they have moved on to something else, you can throw the leftovers in the recycling.
I think you get extra parenting points when your kids crafts ideas are both good for the kids and good for the environment, right? I think so!
3. Splash Art

Remember earlier when we said that making a mess was one of the most fun ways for kids to get involved with crafts? Yeah, we are going back to that point.
One of my personal favourites when it comes to kids craft ideas is splash art.
All splash art really means is making pictures and art out of splashing paint freely. You can do this with paint brushes or with your hands. Simply flick, throw, and splash the paint onto your desired canvas until you have something that looks like a muddled masterpiece!
Again, it doesn’t really matter what the finished result looks like with these things, it much more about the fun and joy you have had with your children doing something free and creative.
One of my best tips with this is to simply put a big sheet over anything you don’t want splashed, that ensures that both kids and parents are happy with this activity. Once everything is protected, get crazy with it! You’d be surprised at how much stress it can relief for us adults too.
4. Paper Plane Competitions

Cool kids crafts ideas don’t have to be anything insanely new and novel, they can also be the good ol’ classics that we would have enjoyed in our days too.
A super fun activity to do with your kids is to make paper planes together and come up with a paper plane competition.
One of the best ways to do is to make the design of your paper planes part of the competition. See who can design the coolest plane, based on real-life or otherwise, and then have a neutral judge decide whose is the best. After that, you can fly them and see whose plane is both cool and efficient!
Remember not to poke any eyes out with this one and you can have hours of fun together.
Good, clean, old fashioned fun for all the family.
5. Egg Design

For the final spot on our list of fun kids crafts ideas, we have another classic.
Egg design.
This is another cheap one too, which is always good.
You can boil up a couple of normal eggs, making sure they are as firm as possible, and then let your kids go wild with their design. They can make little characters or they can simply doodle colours and designs.
Whatever way you do it, you can be sure that this is one of the best kids crafts ideas out there for a blue Sunday.
There’s a reason certain things get passed down generation to generation!
And with that, our list is complete!
If you have some great easy crafts of your own, feel free to leave us a comment down below and let us know! We’d love to hear from you here at Hashtag-Parentlife.