About us

Welcome to Hashtag Parentlife! It’s great to have you on board this wild and wonderful journey of parenthood.

Brining a new life into the world is an unforgettable experience and a major milestone in anyone’s life. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy. I started this blog after realizing how much I struggled and doubted myself at times during the early stages of parenthood. Most online resources at the time focus on the “what” of becoming a parent, but not enough focused on the “HOW”.

I began writing up blogs with the goal of bringing awareness to less talked about topics such as teaching children the importance of self-care, learning how to grow as you go, and how to raise relaxed children, just to name a few. 

I then came up with four main categories that I believe to be the building blocks and the most important areas to consider when talking about parenthood. These include Home, Nurture, Lifestyle, and Health. The focus of this blog is on the deeper side of parenting, the more personal side that every parent, old or new needs to address.

If you’ve ever felt like you don’t know what you’re doing, or that you aren’t doing enough, don’t worry – it happens to the best of us! Subscribe to Hashtag Parentlife and remind yourself that you’re not alone! We continue to publish high-quality content regularly so that you’re always up to date on the most important, thought-provoking aspects of parenting.