This man was driving home from work when he noticed a hitchhiking girl trying to get home and offered her a ride. He dropped the girl off and returned home, not knowing his decision to help would shake up his life. Because when he saw the news the following day, he turned pale.
It was busy on the road, as everyone else’s workday was over, just like Dennis’. His job was far from where he lived, but he loved driving. He filled his time by listening to his favorite songs. As he was jamming to a great song, his attention suddenly strayed to a hitchhiker beside the road.
A hitchhiker
A hitchhiker wasn’t an uncommon sighting for him because he spent so much time on the road, and he would generally ignore them. But he was having a hard time ignoring the hitchhiker this time. Because this time, it was just a young girl who was in need of a ride.