Do you often worry that you aren’t a good parent?
Do you look at other parents and wonder if you are as good as them?
Do you feel insecure when you see blogs and social media posts from other parents about their triumphs and successes?
This is a very common problem and if you do feel this way, know that you are not alone in this.

The fact that you clicked into this blog alone means that you are probably spending your valuable time worrying about this question and doubting yourself, so let’s take this time to talk a little about why that might be happening and what you can do to help put your own mind at rest.
It is very tiring to worry all the time. And I’m sure you are tired enough as a parent already.
The rise in social media means that we can see into many other people’s lives and we can see what they want to show us about their lives as a parent. This has greatly increased the habit of comparison between parents.
There are a lot of parent bloggers and vloggers out there who seem to be able to show off their perfect homes and perfect routines.
When we see this constantly, it can be very difficult not to compare ourselves, our lives, and our parenting skills.

Another problem is the rise in new parenting styles and guides in the forms of books, podcasts, blogs and articles. More and more people are coming up with new ways to parent and stating that these ways are the only way forward. A lot of the ways that people have been parenting up until this point are frequently shamed and put down as, at the very least, ineffective.
What this all amounts to is a tremendous amount of pressure as a parent to be perfect and to look perfect to others.
But in reality, parenthood is a continual learning curve and it is something that can be quite messy and imperfect.
And that is ok.
That is completely normal.
We can’t be perfect parents because perfect parents don’t exist. We are humans too and we will always make errors of judgement and mistakes. That is what makes us human.
However, all that matters is that we keep trying to be better.
The very fact that you worry about being a good parent means that you probably are a very good parent indeed. It shows that you want to be the best you can be for your children.

And that’s all that matters.
Being a good parent is only about caring for and loving your child unconditionally, supporting them, and keeping them safe.
If you are doing that, all the other tiny mistakes and slip-ups don’t really matter.
If your child goes to bed every night safe, fed, and feeling loved, then, yes, you are indeed a very good parent.
Release yourself from the doubt and self-critique that you have going on in your mind right now and allow yourself to be present during these important moments.
Not being truly present is probably the only thing you will grow to regret later in life.