If you are a mom, you will know how hard it is to keep up a healthy routine.
You are busy, you are tired, and you never ever feel like there are enough hours in the day.
I get that, I really do.
But, it is important that you still look after yourself and keep up some healthy habits while you are a mom.
Don’t forget that we can’t look after anyone else unless we look after ourselves, and we can’t be there for our families in the way they need us to be if we don’t tend to our own needs first.
So, to help you start on or get back on the right track with this, we have 3 healthy habits that we think every mom should work to establish as part of their weekly routine. They aren’t too difficult or too time-consuming and so, hopefully, implementing them should be accessible and doable for most moms out there.
Without further ado, here are the habits.

The practise of journaling is an amazing thing for moms to do.
It is just about taking the time to write, reflect, and think. You can write about your day or your week, you can write about how you feel, you can write out your goals and hopes for the day or week ahead, or you can journal about things that have happened in the past and you want to work through.
You do it whatever way you want.
Whatever way you do it, you will be taking time to clear some space inside your head and that is really important, especially when we are so busy.

Meditation might be something that you are a little scared of if you have never tried it before, but it is definitely nothing to be scared of.
The great thing about meditation is that you can do it any place, any time.
You can take 2 minutes to meditate while you boil the kettle, you can do a 10-minute session before you go to bed, you could even try to mediate with your children.
There are lots of books, apps, and programmes out there to help you get started and you can do it starting today.
What’s not to love?
You’ll be amazed at how much mental clarity and calm you can achieve from minimal meditation practice every day.
Practicing a hobby

When was the last time you picked up a hobby you used to love?
I guarantee it hasn’t been for a while.
Keeping up a hobby as a busy mom is one of the most empowering things you can do. It shows that you are still prioritising yourself and that you take ownership of your own happiness.
Take some time each week, no matter how short that time is, and devote it to practising a hobby that brings you joy.
The more we actively get into the habit of making time for ourselves and making ourselves happy, the better we will feel in every area of our life.
So, what habit will you try out this week?