For many of us, having a baby means the end of our lives as an individual and the start of our life as a mom.
But this doesn’t have to be the case.
We can be great moms and continue to be individual people with individual interests, hobbies, values, and choices. In fact, doing so is the best way to keep yourself happy and healthy as a mom. Having one part of our life overwhelm all the others is never a great way to go.
So, with this in mind, let’s take a look together at easy and accessible things you can do to keep feeling yourself when you are a mom. Ways to keep yourself feeling like you are still the person you were before having your child, and ways to continue to feel like an individual going forward.
Keep at least one hobby going

Listen, I get it, I do. Having hobbies and sticking to them can be really hard when you are a mom, regardless of what age your child(ren) is/are. It’s hard to find the time and it can be hard to find the motivation.
But it is really important that you keep at least one hobby that you loved before going while you are a mom. Tap into something you used to love if you have let all your hobbies go, and get back into it.
Keeping up with a hobby will be a great way for you to take some time to yourself and do something that is just for you. Even if you only get the chance to do it once a week for an hour, it will still be invaluable for you.
Take yourself on dates

When was the last time you took yourself out on a date? Have you ever done it?
Taking yourself out for some me-time is one of the best ways that you can stay happy and healthy as a mom.
The date itself could be anything at all, as long as it is something that makes you happy. Coffee shops, cafes, restaurants, book shops, spas, anywhere relaxing and treat-orientated will be a great spot.
Take advantage of some babysitting offers and take some time for yourself.
You’d be amazing at how restored you can feel from a couple of hours to yourself.
Have friends who aren’t moms

Having friends who are also moms like you is, of course, very helpful at times. It’s great to trade tips and secrets with each other and it’s great to talk to someone who knows exactly what you are going through.
Only having friends who are other moms can make your life feel a little bit too mom-centric. Only being around people who talk about mom issues and having children can make it feel like the only thing you ever think about is being a mom. It’s important to have a range of people in your life with whom you can talk about all sorts of different things.
As much as you love your children, it’s great to have a break from mom-hood, and that includes having a mental break too. Taking breaks will remind you that you are still your own person and you are allowed to have a life outside of your child.
You’re important too, don’t forget that.